Hindsight is 20/20
A Motherhood Feels Podcast
Dr. Jill engages with seasoned moms and dads on their reflections and feelings to learn what they wish they had known ahead of parent life and how, in hindsight, they would have supported their “motherhood and fatherhood feels” differently.
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Dr. Garrett engages with seasoned moms and dads on their motherhood reflections and fatherhood feels to learn what they wish they had known ahead of parent life and how, in hindsight, they would have supported their “motherhood and fatherhood feels” differently.
Dr. Julia “Jill” Garrett is a licensed psychologist with extensive specialty experience in the perinatal mental health field.
Welcome to Hindsight is 20/20: A Motherhood Feels Podcast. Iām Dr. Jill Garrett, a licensed psychologist who specializes in perinatal mental health and host of Hindsight is 20/20. On this episode, I welcome seasoned moms and ambassadors of The Mom Walk Collective in Jacksonville, Florida, Amelia and Rachael. Listen in as these two detail how as ambassadors they host walks and mom meet-ups to help moms connect and find their village. Check out themomwalkcollective.com to learn more and follow @themomwalkco.jax on IG to check out the offerings here in NE Florida. All of that and more, next.
www.motherhoodfeels.com https://hsjtech.com DISCLAIMER: Information on Hindsight is 20/20 is intended for general education and informational purposes only. Engagement in this podcast does not constitute a professional relationship and this content is not intended as an alternative or substitute for psychological support. Individuals are encouraged to pursue support through a licensed healthcare provider. If you are experiencing an emergency, please report to your closest emergency department or contact 988.

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Motherhood Feels podcast
Behind the Scenes
of the Motherhood Feels Podcast

Dr. Jill Garrett is a licensed psychologist with expertise and specialization in perinatal mental health.
With over a decade of clinical experience and leadership in this field, Dr. Garrett is well equipped to support all your Motherhood Feels.